1. KM - Russian "Caspian Sea Monster" Ekranoplan
A bizarre cross between a hovercraft and an airplane, developed during Cold War 1. KM - Russian "Caspian Sea Monster" Ekranoplan
(Images source: The WIG Page and Samolet)
SM-8 (smaller version of KM).
2. An Impressive A-90 "Orlyonok" ("Eaglet")
"The 140 tonne, 58 meter long aircraft had its maiden flight in 1972. The A-90 boasted two turbojets and
It could travel over land, if need be, and in rather spectacular fashion:
(images credit: A. Belyaev, The WIG Page)
It could carry 150 troops and 2 tanks (or rather, BTR-60), as evidenced by this picture:
(image credit: Airforce.ru)
3. Strange intermediate designs: VVA-14M
"VVA-14M" ekranoplan was essentially a conversion from the very strange-looking plane "VVA-14". Here it's seen before the conversion:
and after, cruising over water:
(image credit: Ronald Wong, The WIG Page)
4. "Lun (Spasatel)" (1987) - bigger than KM "Sea Monster" and way more dangerous!
"The 280 tonne, 74 metre long M-160 Lun was another ekranoplan developed from Alexeev designs. one was built in 1987, which entered service in 1989."
(image courtesy: Paul McDonell)
It's actually bigger than Boeing 747!
Size comparison:
(image credit: Peter C Losi - United States Air Force)
(images source: Airwar.ru)
Here is the "Spasatel" civilian version:
(image source)
Another interesting concept which almost made it into production:
All these and other variations of Russian ekranoplans you can see in this long video (10 minutes of great & rare footage):
That video also shows the current sad condition of Russian giant "Lun" craft, stored at the Kaspiysk n
The last "swan song" of Rostislav Alexeev: "Rocket-2" river cruise ship design:
(art by A. Sukhov, courtesy rosevg.org) AMERICAN WINGSHIPS Atlantis - 1":
Image courtesy: Popular Science Boeing Ultra Pelican - American (belated) answer to the "Caspian Sea Monster"
"The vessel will be able to travel in ground-effect at a height of about 20 feet above the water surface for its most economical mode of operation, but will also be capable of entering free-flight and flying at an altitude of 20,000 feet."
출처 Ekranoplans Showcase