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금서로 더 유명해진 동성애-영국문서보관소
Lesbian fears over banned books
1930년대 정부검열관들은 동성애(여성간)에 관한 책들이 이 주제를 더 자극할까를 걱정했던 것으로 National Archive(영국문서보관소의 의미)의 새로 일반에 공개된 문서기록에서 보여준다.
이것은 한 시민이 1935년 영국검찰총장(DPP)에게 The Single Woman And Her Emotional Problems(독신여성과 정서에 관한 문제)라는 제목의 여성건강에 관한 책에 대해서 불평을 한 것이 시발이었다.
Home Office(내무부) 서류는 이 책이 1차 세계대전 이후 남성의 부족으로 인한 영국 내 여성들에게 닥친 정서적 “좌절감”을 다루고 있음을 보여준다.
이 책을 공무원들은 “일부 여성들에게 마스터베이션 또는 동성애를 통해서 만족감을 얻을 수 있다”는 것을 제시했다고 결론을 짓고 있다.
이 책에 대해 이스트 서세스 구의 St Leonards 지역의 Mary Kidd는 화가 나서 검찰총장에게 “그것은 불쾌하고도 최악의 유해한 책이다.”라고 편지를 썼다.
내무부의 한 메모에는, DPP부의 E H Tindal Atkinson은 “저자는 책에 언급된 이 방법을 공개적으로 옹호하고 있을 뿐 아니라, 보통 비난을 불러일으키는 이 문제에 관해 매우 동정적 태도를 확실히 취하고 있다. 라고 쓰여 있다.
이 문서에서 내무부의 J F Henderson은 이렇게 쓰고 있다. “Well Of Loneliness라는 책을 기소한 것이 기소하지 않은 것보다 동성애에 관해 끝없는 큰 명성을 준 결과를 낳은 것으로 악명 높다.
“그리고 억압 목표가 여성들이 이러한 방법들이 존재하는 것과 이것을 받아들이는 것을 막도록 하는 것이라면, 나는 목표가 어찌되었든 의심할 바 없이 이 목표는 고소와 잇따르는 명성으로 실패할 것이라고 생각한다.”
이 메모들은 어떤 저술이 “외설”로 발매 금지시켜야 하는지에 관해 1930년대의 정부의사결정에 관한 기록다발 중에 있었다.
Source: BBC News
Lesbian fears over banned books
Government censors in the 1930s feared that banning books about
lesbianism would prompt interest in the subject, National Archive
records show.
They were concerned that suppressing certain books could lead to
women "getting to know" about such practices and "defeat the object"
of censorship.
The issue prompted the circulation of numerous memos among civil servants.
The newly released documents are available for the public to view at
the National Archives in Kew, London.
Concerns were raised after a member of the public wrote to the
Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) in 1935 to complain about a
health book for women entitled The Single Woman And Her Emotional Problems.
Home Office papers reveal that the book dealt with the emotional
"frustration" faced by many women living in a Britain with a shortage
of men following World War I.
The writer... is certainly adopting a very charitable attitude
towards matters which ordinarily call for condemnation
Home Office memo
The book, civil servants concluded, suggested that "for some women
satisfaction may be obtained either by masturbation or by lesbianism".
It prompted Mary Kidd, of St Leonards, East Sussex, to write angrily
to the DPP, saying "it is a dreadful book and a most pernicious one".
In a memo to the Home Office, E H Tindal Atkinson of the DPP
department, wrote: "The writer, while not openly advocating the
practices mentioned on those pages, is certainly adopting a very
charitable attitude towards matters which ordinarily call for condemnation."
Papers suggest Whitehall was concerned about how best to deal with
the book because it did not want a repeat of the publicity
surrounding the banning of Well Of Loneliness - a novel which touched
on lesbianism - in the 1920s.
The documents show that J F Henderson of the Home Office wrote: "It
is notorious that the prosecution of the Well Of Loneliness resulted
in infinitely greater publicity about lesbianism than if there had
been no prosecution.
'Unnatural practices'
"And if the object of suppression is to prevent women getting to know
that these practices exist and adopting them, then I think there is
no doubt whatever that the object would be defeated by prosecution
and its attendant publicity."
The memos were among a bundle of documents on government
decision-making in the 1930s concerning whether certain literature
should be branded "indecent" and suppressed.
Other documents released contain examples of pamphlets from foreign
publishing companies advertising literature for mail order on a range
of subjects including flagellation and other "unnatural practices".
Many of the adverts, which were seized by police in the 1930s,
contain illustrations for books with such names as A Girl And A
Thousand Gobs and Strange Marriage.
"Ethics" is simply a last-gasp attempt by deist conservatives and
orthodox dogmatics to keep humanity in ignorance and obscurantism,
through the well tried fermentation of fear, the fear of science and
new technologies.
There is nothing glorious about what our ancestors call history,
it is simply a succession of mistakes, intolerances and violations.
On the contrary, let us embrace Science and the new technologies
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